Thursday, July 28, 2016

On the road for a while...

We've been traveling a lot in the last year. We started out in Oregon in August of 2015, and made our way north to the tip of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington (to visit my sister) and then got some repairs done to our bus down in Bend, Oregon.  By October we were in Nevada, where we attended a 4-day handgun training class at Front Sight.  Then we got married in Las Vegas in early October, honeymooned for a while along the Grand Canyon south rim and north rim, then headed up through Utah to see the sights. Then down to Four Corners, then El Paso where our Onan 6500 watt generator went through an overhaul. Then Carlsbad Caverns. Then Texas, and a stay at our friends' ranch in East Texas over Thanksgiving.  Then onward to Clearwater, Florida to see my kids and grandkids.  We stayed there through March, then made a loop up through Georgia for a couple of months, biding our time until the Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild's conference in Tampa in May. That was the usual blast, with Marie speaking on her topics of labeling and Good Manufacturing Practices. Then a leisurely trip up the coast to visit friends and clients in Greenville, SC, finally arriving in Maine in July of 2016.  We're here for a couple of weeks, then will head down to New York to visit more friends in August. Then on across and down toward warmer climes for the winter.  We're thinking of overwintering in Texas or Arizona this year.  Clearwater, Florida was just too hot and too expensive.

Our adventures are being chronicled on our travel blog, Roaming the Backroads, which we always seem to be a couple of months behind on.

This was Martinak State Park in Maryland, where we spent a week.

Note we are still very much working on our businesses -- we are just doing it from a highly  mobile platform. As long as we have a good cell connection we work assiduously. But then we go outside and go swimming!

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